Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan
Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan
The Landlords and Tenants Law is a privet law that regulates the relationship between the landlord and the tenant to strike a balance between their interests.
Which achieves the goal of the landlord getting the compensation and the tenant the intended benefit under more specific rules than those stated in the Civil Code.
Considering social and economic development, so that the Civil Code is not resorted to except in the absence of a text in the Landlords and Tenants Law.
The landlord and tenants’ law in Jordan law
In addition, the Landlords and Tenants Law included a set of peremptory rules that limited the landlord’s authority and ability to vacate the rented property.
Which affected the concept of the period associated with the lease contract.
Specialized lawyers in the Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
The meaning of lease hold in Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan
leased property is every place prepared for residence.
Whether it is an apartment or an independent house, every commercial place or warehouse, every residential or commercial complex,
and every property and place suitable for rent and to which the law of owners and tenants applies.
The landlord and tenants’ law in Jordan law
According to the lease contract signed between the owner, who is the lessor, and the person who occupies the leased property for the benefit of its own use.
The tenant is named in exchange for the rental allowance agreed upon between them.
Lease contract in Jordanian law.
Lease holds that is excluded in Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan
- Real estate leased for the purposes of agriculture and animal breeding.
- Real estate leased to the employees in connection with their employment contracts; and
- Real estate, in full or in part, owned by the government or one of the governmental agencies leased for investment purposes,
- such as hotels, restaurants, etc.
In an aim to improve the regulations controlling the tenant-landlord relationship, the Law was implemented in 2010.
The Landlords and tenants law provided for and amended issues relating to rent, its re-evaluation as well as notice periods.
Depending on the date at which the tenancy contract was entered into, the Original Law provided set periods in which the landlord could evict the tenant.
Lease contract in Jordanian law.
Some of the main amendments in the Landlords and tenant’s law
Article 3
In accordance with Article 3 of the Law, the rent could be revised and re-valuated after obtaining the approval of both the landlord and the tenant.
However, in the case of a disagreement, the amendments grant all the parties the right to file an application to the court requesting a revaluation,
of leases negotiated before 31 August 2000.
However, all leases agreed on or after 31 August are subject to the signed contract and its conditions.
Lease contract in Jordanian law.
Article 5
Article 5 of the Law has revoked and terminated articles 14 and 15 of the Original Law.
Before their termination, the said Articles required that the tenant pay extra regarding some selected situations.
As a result, and due to the termination of the articles, no additions are added to the agreed rent.
The rent agreed upon in the contract shall be the amount that prevails.
Further, the amendments in the Law provide that if the landlord sends a legal notice to the tenants requesting the payment of the amount of the rent usually paid,
both parties shall lose the right to ask for a different revaluated rent.
This is as the receipt of such notice constitutes an implicit acceptance of the named original rent.
Specialized lawyers in the Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
Regarding the revaluated rent,
the Law provides that the court have the sole discretion when deciding the amount after reading the report prepared
by the industry experts concerning the situation.
Specialized lawyers in landlord and tenants
Article 18
Other amendments provided for by the Law are the amendments made to Article 18 of the Original Law.
According to the Law, Article 18 now provides for the revaluation and review of the rent amount once every five years.
Specialized lawyers in landlord and tenants
Article 7
Alternatively, Article 7 regulates the right of continuing the lease in the case of the tenant’s death.
It provides for the right of his successors to carry on the lease.
This article additionally defines a specific category to which this article applies,
in accordance with social demands and circumstances.
Conflicts regarding lease contracts.
Lease contract in Jordanian law
Renting a property must be documented by a lease agreement between the Landlord and Tenant.
In other words, the lease agreement should be in the form of a contract,
which would preferably be registered on the Title to the property.
Conflicts regarding lease contracts.
The terms of the lease contract
A lease contract must be between two parties or more.
The contract must be legal, ethical, and fair.
The lease must be in conformity with the municipal laws and the national rules and regulations.
Lease contract in Jordanian law.
A contract between two or more parties, for example,
to rent space for an illegal operation for the manufacturing or sale of prohibited products cannot be enforceable by law.
The contract is not enforceable by law if signed by minors or mentally challenged parties.
And it must include conditions that are agreeable between Landlord and Tenant.
Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
Also, it must outline the rights and obligations of the concerned parties.
The duration of the contract must be specified between the two parties by mutual consent in the contract and is binding on both parties.
A contract is considered void at the end of this period.
And tenant does not have the right to reside after the end of the contract period.
Lease contract in Jordanian law.
A tenant may not rent the house to others or terminate the contract on his own initiative.
The tenant acknowledges that he has inspected the property and found it fit for the purpose for which it was rented,
and undertakes to preserve and maintain it, and not to change anything in it, otherwise he will be obligated to pay damages.
If the tenant is late in paying the rent on the specified date, the contract will be automatically terminated.
And the second party is obligated to pay all electricity and water bills.
Conflicts regarding lease contracts.
Conflicts regarding lease contracts
One must realize that conflict between landlord and tenant is unavoidable.
The Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan is clear to solve such dispute,
the justice magistrate court is the assigned court for all disputes that emerges from lease contracts no matter what the rental allowance value in the contract.
All of this does not substitute you for hiring a specialized real estate and leasing contracts lawyer,
Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
who will draft a legal lease contract for you that guarantees the rights of all parties.
So, you can contact us at alabbadi law firm to help you draft your lease contract or if you are having any conflict regarding your lease contract.
we are specialized lawyers in the Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
Conflicts regarding lease contracts.
Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
The meaning of lease hold in Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
Lease contract in Jordanian law.
Conflicts regarding lease contracts.
Specialized lawyers in the Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
Conflicts regarding lease contracts.
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Specialized lawyers in the Landlords and tenants’ law in Jordan.
Also, you can visit our office in Amman _ Jordan _ Abdali _ king Hussain.
st _ acarco complex _ 4th floor _ office num 4.
Specialized lawyers in landlord and tenants