where is weed legal
Where is Weed Legal?
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1. Introduction
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This guide is designed to simplify the United States’ weed laws by explaining the potential consequences of using adult-use marijuana in the stated legal jurisdictions.
The guide uses data gathered from a range of scientific studies that have explored the downsides of using adult-use in the states.
If you are caught possessing or using less than the states’ legal weight of marijuana, you will not face life-altering consequences.
You are also unlikely to be caught. According to a comprehensive report on the U.S.
drug war, more than 750,000 people were charged with possession in 2012.
The people who mistakenly thought they were caught spent almost $3.6 billion in legal fees on marijuana-driving cases. In other words, weed is illegal, but it’s not excessively prosecuted in the states.
It’s legal to use and possess recreational marijuana (weed) in just two U.S. states—Colorado and Washington.
Medical marijuana is legal in 20 states and the District of Columbia.
The reason the usage law is different in each state is because the federal government banned marijuana in the early 20th century.
States have the power to pass laws that conflict with federal ones, but federal law covers the entire country no matter what the states say.
However, this doesn’t explain why a basic garden plant is illegal in the first place.
The legalization of weed is also a complex matter because it produces both positive and negative effects.
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2. Countries Where Weed is Legal
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This tiny country still seems to be following the 16th century Book of Wisdom, and any crop or substance that is associated with paganism remains sternly prohibited.
The only exceptions are non-psychoactive forms of cannabis.
In the first quarter of 2018, Lesotho became the first African country to get on board with medicinal cannabinoids legislation.
However, through this legislation, weed use while in the country is still strictly prohibited. Medicinal cannabis is legal in the Netherlands where consumption in coffee shops is tolerated.
Only 5g per person per day can be purchased. Also, clubs selling weed can’t stock up on more than 500g at any one time.
Led by Northern and Western European countries, weed legislation in Europe is changing.
However, each country seems to be implementing a different set of regulations.
Delay penalties are severe in Asian countries, with Malaysia and Indonesia having the harshest penalty of death if caught with more than 200g.
Legalization is a concept where all adults have the permission to consume legal weed products. Several places have opted for this route, including Canada and Uruguay.
Specifically, Canada has granted token weight allowances for tourists entering the country with weed for recreational or medicinal purposes.
This appeared to have happened only because the officer happened to ask about it, you cannot proactively volunteer it without getting in trouble.
In Japan and South Korea, harsh weed laws exist, where even one joint can result in jail time and heavy fines if discovered.
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2.1. Canada
Canada is a federal country, which implies that each of the Canadian provinces has the legislative authority, as well as the responsibility to regulate the production and distribution of cannabis.
Part of this regulation-making process also involved the decision of the provinces whether they will allow home cultivation of recreational cannabis and whether they would agree to a model that allowed for a privatized or privatized retail sales distribution network or would instead continue to have this controlled by governmental monopolies.
Canada is the first G7 and one of the very few countries globally to have legalized cannabis at the national level.
This happened through the Cannabis Act, which received royal assent on June 21, 2018 and allowed the full sale and growth of both recreational and medical marijuana in Canada.
This Act established the rules for selling, cultivating, processing, and distributing legal recreational marijuana in Canada.
Furthermore, it also defined further legislative instruments which provide the necessary specifications for the public, health, safety, and security of cannabis.
Commercial recreational cannabis retailers are required to obtain cannabis from a holder of a production license, who they must also purchase online from with verification checks done by Canada Post and valid only within the borders of the province where the transaction occurred.
There is also a 13% tax for the provinces’ share of revenue and a 10% tax for their share on top of the federal excise duty.
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2.2. Uruguay
Marijuana, which started in the summer of the year, is open, but the list of registered users and the system will take about six months to fully function.
If marijuana is purchased on the open market, a citizen of the government is not intended to reach it through state-determined shops.
Each user is registered and will be required to produce fingerprints to ensure that individual consumption does not exceed legally set limits.
Only two types of marijuana will be available in pharmacies – sales and the best marijuana known as sativa and indica, primarily in India.
Such as but not all pot smokers prefer not to grow mellow sativa weed (which is sometimes associated with pain and anxiety) and mostly want to grow indica weeds (which are most strongly linked to insomnia and medical protection). Attack).
Important information to continue.
Uruguay became the first country in the world to fully legalize marijuana, from growth to purchase for both medical and recreational use. But at the end of the day, it is important to mention that cannabis remains a controlled substance in the country.
Fulfilling one of the riskiest and most controversial aspects of landmark national drug legislation enacted in December that toughened restrictions on other narcotics.
It eliminates illegal drug dealers from the purchase.
Under the new regulations, marijuana is placed under state control and is sold in pharmacies at $1 more or less than $1 or it can be granted free under the THC, marijuana mower.
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2.3. South Africa
The extraction and use of Indian hemp is a tradition with most of the Bantu peoples living in the Union.
The Indian laborers have been addicted to its use from a very early stage in their history.
It has been found that between 1850 and 1910, this drug made its introduction into South Africa to be used mainly by the British Indian immigrants.
It has spread among these people in the main to other indigenous tribes.
The 1922 report on the use of Indian Hemp in the Transvaal and the administrative measures necessary to control it dealt with the following points:
where is weed legal
It is well known that among the Indian peoples of the world, the habit of smoking Indian hemp is a national habit.
It is a habit which is considered to be a necessity in order that certain sects of the Hindu religion can reach a state of ecstasy, and is promoted by the priests to whom substantial offerings are made for the “prasad” so obtained.
South Africa, a South African tradition, is of great importance historically since it was one of the first countries of the 20th century to initiate solemn dialogue about the drug law and to commence a program of research into the use problems of the own people. This is all the more significant since South Africa is not only a nation state, but rather an explosive mixture of various tribes at different stages of evolution.
The substances that are used by them include liquor, dagga (Indian hemp), ghat, and tobacco.
The measures that are taken in order to cope with the problems are influenced by religious and cultural traditions of these widely differing peoples.
But in spite of these efforts, it is still of great importance that the dangers involved in the unwarranted use, or rather abuse, of the substance should be explained and a certain amount of control used in its distribution.
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3. States in the United States Where Weed is Legal
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Arkansas passed Amendment 98 in 2016, the Medical Marijuana Amendment, establishing the legalization of medicinal marijuana for individuals with specific health conditions via an amendment to the state constitution.
Initially, marijuana amendments were submitted to the Arkansas Secretary of State, which allowed cultivators to apply for the respective licenses before the amendment was accepted, ratified by voters, and enacted.
The amendment permitted the following qualifying health conditions: cancer, glaucoma, positive status for HIV, hepatitis C, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Tourette’s Syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fibromyalgia, and severe arthritis or intractable pain.
Additionally, more than one of the following symptoms could qualify as a health condition: those related to cancer, glaucoma, positive status for HIV, Hepatitis C, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), ulcerative colitis, severe arthritis, or intractable pain.
Alaska was the third state to officially enact the legalization of recreational marijuana on February 24th, 2015. Adults over the age of 21 are allowed to possess, share, and transport up to one ounce of marijuana and up to six plants.
Commercial sale of marijuana and its paraphernalia is also permitted with appropriate licensing and is subject to certain restrictions, including a ban on selling to anyone under 21 years of age.
In addition to the general rules that marijuana consumption is not allowed in public spaces or in vehicles, marijuana products cannot be sold in packaging that matches conventional food or candy products.
Several other legal regulations are in place to help protect and ensure the safety of Alaska’s cannabis consumers and the health of the population.
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3.1. Alaska
In 2014, Alaska became the third U.S. state to legalize the recreational use of cannabis, leaving only Oregon and Colorado ahead of it.
The Alaska Marijuana Legalization initiative entered into force at the 2014 general election.
This initiative allowed people aged over 21 years to establish a retail cannabis manufacturing establishment and to use marijuana, and to purchase it, acquire it, deliver it, or import it by certain individuals.
All the stipulated activities shall be initiated before 9:59 a.m. on November 24, 2014, and a retail cannabis manufacturing facility may not be located within 500 feet of the school.
In the initiative, the term “cannabis” meant all parts of the cannabis plant, cannabis seeds, and products made from cannabis.
The retail cannabis manufacturing establishment was authorized to cultivate, package, store, process, transport, or deliver it, and to deliver the cannabis.
The initiative further indicated the definition of “public place.
” This term referred to “an area that the public or a substantial number of people has access to, and includes streets, highways, roads, sidewalks, alleys, transportation facilities, schools, places of business or amusement, parks, playgrounds, and common areas,” The initiative specified the term “marijuana.”
While Alaskan law permits the recreational use of cannabis without interruptions after the state-level legalization, the condition changes on a local level.
Some cities, which have voiced their opposition against BDS and its commitments, banned the operation of commercial outlets to sell marijuana, but they allowed home cultivation, smoking, and possession.
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3.2. California
Since the ban in 1913 (sixty years ahead of 1973), young Mexican immigrants are said to have popularized the slang term “marihuana”.
Marijuana in California was prevalent throughout history.
Growing Yankee colonies in California sharply offset the increase in populations in the Mexican regions and missions of the surrounding U.S. residents in the 1840s.
Authorities are developing urban reclamation plans in the territory to encourage new residents.
The rapid indoor migration of migrants places urban workers at high risk. Officials have pursued all these goals through legislative and political agreement.
In California, the image and original children’s opinion of clothes are rooted in the state.
It is said that the anti-marijuana trumpet song was played in newspapers used by business groups to encourage newspapers,
using anti-marijuana campaigns to pressure their southern neighbors who did not allow the development of Yorkshire states.
In 1876, the California country banned cigarette smoking. Early on,
officials working on populist and socialist agendas were concerned about the effects of particular drugs on these poor southern borders.
where is weed legal
These xenophobic and racist attitudes have continued to grow over the years in the United States.
California, the original jurisdiction of Proposition 215,
became the first state in the country to legalize medical marijuana in 1996.
Legalization has since progressed in the form of California Proposition 64 in 2016,
which legalized cannabis use among adults over the age of twenty-one and marijuana use for medical purposes, regardless of age.
Since then, the proponents have allowed the installment to operate within the standard legal framework in business and consumption.
Purchasers anywhere can hold, process, use five hundred milligrams of cannabis compound products and enjoy the effects from the beginning. Buying weeds can also be done wherever alcohol is legal.
Relatively strict laws and regulations have caused the potential of California’s marijuana market to decline, and the variable costs associated with the increment have actually driven up marijuana prices in the state.
In California state, there are few details to confirm the impact of new marijuana activity laws and market trends.
This has caused a lot of room for imagination, fear and greed to overestimate or underestimate the revenue of marijuana-related activities on the residents.
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3.3. Colorado
Re-districting, which occurred previous to the 1992 general elections, deprived the Colorado legislative known as the General Assembly of their opportunity to become involved in the legislative process.
No individuals had engaged in the educational process the marijuana reform community hoped to launch at that pace.
A petition drive began in March 1992,
collecting less than 90,000 of the 54,000 signatures needed to reach the status of a statutory proposal.
An amendment with virtually the same language as the proposal was suggested to legislators in 2000 and entailed a model for protective use of marijuana by those suffering from chronic diseases.
The plan was never formally enhanced.
Proposals to legalize marijuana for medicinal use in Colorado date back to 1987 with the establishment of a committee on medical cannabis through the group Colorado Normal Foundation,
which changed its name to Colorado Normal in 1989.
Conflicting legislative agendas, which contributed to the abolition of two out of five state drug task forces in 1987,
budget proposals to cut funding to the director of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division from the Office of Executive Director in 1988,
a veto by the Governor of an amendment toughening the laws on drug offenders created to address the cause that year,
the registration of over 1,100 members at a caucus of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) formed in Vail,
and the disaffiliation of both the Executive and Legislative Regulatory commissions with the Colorado Fighting Back Task Force were among the factors that delayed the planning process.
Legislative process through which Amendment 20 was approved.
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3.4. Oregon
According to the Oregon’s Department of Revenue, $102.2 million in taxable recreational marijuana sales was made in 2Q 2018,
while school fund, mental health, alcoholism, and public health and safety tax revenues hit $25.5 million.
Consumption of recreational cannabis continues to grow,
and so it is hard to tell if the also growing number of big-time outdoor cultivators will be able to produce enough pot to approach anywhere the barrier posed by competition.
After 12 years of Oregon MMJ laws, voters approved the Oregon Measure 91, legalizing recreational weed in 2014.
Retail sales did not start immediately, but in autumn 2015, Oregonians experienced their first real high from over-the-counter cannabis.
Persons aged 21 and older are, however, not allowed to consume cannabis in public places and may cultivate only 4 plants per residence.
Due to the state’s scenic diversity and mild ocean climate, southern Oregon especially is featured on many cannabis tours.
As has been the case with many other U.S. states,
Oregon first decriminalized marijuana (effectively making recreational use of it legal due to non-victim crime policy) in 1973 and then started to approve medical marijuana laws in 1998.
Medical marijuana is the term used for cannabis and specific cannabinoids that are recommended by doctors for their patients.
Some of the conditions and diseases it is known to help treat include Alzheimer’s, cancer, chronic pain, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy and seizures, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, PTSD, and many other types of discomfort.
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3.5. Washington
I-502 legalized small amounts of marijuana for most Washington adults aged 21 and above starting from 12 a.m. on December 6, 2012; it went into effect as a result of the Washington General Election, 2012. First of all,
it defines and legalizes private possession of up to one ounce, if the person is already 21 years or older.
Secondly, it also decriminalizes activities where adults can possess forty ounces or less of cannabis-infused product – marijuana edibles or cannabis liquids. Finally,
new taxes with new regulations on their sale were planned to be imposed.
In addition to that, Washington allows separating the plants from marijuana, if it is evenly distributed between dwelling units and it was subject to I-502’s number of per household limit, such as six.
On November 6, 2012, the Washington State Initiative 502 on legalizing marijuana became one of the most debated topics in elections since there was no distinct answer – does Washington support marijuana for recreational use or not. Nevertheless,
the majority of people finally voted for the bill’s adoption due to their belief that “If the legalization fails in both of the states – Washington and Colorado – the federal government will definitely think a lot about what they could do to resolve the contradiction between a state and a federal statute.
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4. Countries with Decriminalized Weed
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Bulgaria: In Bulgaria, consumption of cannabis is not punishable by law.
Possession of small amounts for personal use is decriminalized.
The Portuguese Model has inspired some of the drug policy changes in South America that led to decriminalization. In 2009, Argentina passed a law that decriminalized drug offenses for personal use.
That means that if weed is found intended for personal use, it is no longer criminally punished. The criminal system is strengthened for cases involving the intent to sell.
Australia: In the Australian Capital Territory, possession of up to 50 grams and the cultivation of up to four plants is decriminalized.
Armenia: In 2016, the Armenian parliament passed a law that decriminalized weed and other drugs as long as they are for personal use.
Possession of up to six grams is punished with only a fine.
Where is weed legal? Countries with decriminalized weed.
Decriminalization means that even though using, buying, or possessing weed is illegal, it is not punished or is punished with a fine instead of a more serious punishment.
There are still criminal and personal consequences, like a criminal record or other negative repercussions.
This list includes all countries with some form of decriminalization of marijuana.
But keep in mind that even though something may be decriminalized under national law, individual states may have different regulations.
Marijuana decriminalization has started to spread throughout the European and South American countries.
Some of the legal reforms were recently approved, like those in the Luxembourg Parliament in 2021. Some others have been passed since 2000.
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4.1. Portugal
Purchasing drugs is not without consequences.
Marijuana in Portugal is decriminalized, and adults may purchase cannabis from “Cannabis Social Clubs,” which may possess, cultivate, and distribute cannabis for personal use to their members.
There’s still backlash from opponents who remain concerned about how easy Portugal has made it for people to access drugs.
National decriminalization policies are not effective, argued one single author in a paper subsequently cited once.
Recently, a few authors hypothesized that Portugal’s adopted treatment model might be influencing the effectiveness of decriminalization policies that rely exclusively on legal sanctions.
A policy embracing drugs would never be passed now, and he doubted if the system currently implemented could hold.
Decriminalization: Portugal removed criminal sanctions for personal drug use in 2000, and over the next five years subsequently observed significant negative trends in adult drug use – as measured through lifetime prevalence, recent use, and problematic use.
Trend analysis estimates that adult drug use continued to fall beyond 2005, with recent drug use rates in Portugal ranging from 0.3% to 0.45% of the population in any given year.
A big thanks to João Castel-Branco Goulão and Caitlin Hughes for their data collection efforts. Islands in an overcriminalized ocean.
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4.2. Netherlands
The main aim of the ‘gedoogbeleid’ was to separate the hard and soft drugs markets and alleviate the burden on criminal attention.
Another aim was to prevent soft drug users from being in touch with heroin and cocaine and, as a result, prevent them from using hard drugs.
As of 2005, the Netherlands had 782 cannabis cafes in 103 Dutch cities. The cannabis cafes especially serve young consumers.
Cannabis cafes operating longer usually attract a more mixed audience.
As the majority of cannabis cafes are located in the urban agglomeration, they mainly cater to the Dutch ‘urban’ youth. However, a study among 100 US citizens, 100 Belgians, and 100 Germans in order to find the number of cannabis tourists to the cities Maastricht and ‘s Hertogenbosch shows that about 86 respondents visited both cities.
These respondents were considered to be cannabis tourists instead of being regular visitors to Maastricht and ‘s Hertogenbosch. Only Belgian respondents visited cannabis shops even more frequently.
Cannabis use is prohibited by law in the Netherlands. It is illegal to be in possession of cannabis, and cannabis trade and cultivation are not allowed.
However, in 1976, the Dutch government loosened the enforcement of laws against small quantities of cannabis and the distinction of cannabis as a soft drug.
This is known as ‘gedoogbeleid’ (toleration policy).
It contains several conditions: it should not take place near schools, in case of public nuisance, and especially no large-scale dealing and cannabis cultivation.
In daily practice, this means that mostly small-scale cannabis trade and cultivation is tolerated.
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4.3. Spain
The Spanish government, amongst the various country legislations, has put in place a regulatory framework for the members-only groups called Cannabis Associations (CAs), whose primary role is to improve their members’ quality of cannabis offerings.
Article 368 bis of the Spanish penal code punishes with 3 to 6 years of imprisonment those who illicitly cultivate, produce, traffic with, or promote, by any means, the consumption of toxic drugs, narcotic, or psychotropic substances, or the ones who possess them for the purpose of trafficking, and 1 to 3 years for those who unlawfully possess them.
Concerning cannabis, those violations involving a considerable amount of the substance are deemed to be trafficking.
In Spain, the ordinary way to remove criminal liability for cannabis use or other narcotic plant derivatives is by means of CAs.
This is thought to be possible thanks to the right granted by Article 18.1 of the Spanish Constitution that recognizes the privacy of the home and the inviolability of correspondence and personal papers.
Cannabis derivatives production in Spain falls under several existing regulations, making it a complex process with many bureaucratic requirements.
Recently, the Supreme Court has established that growing cannabis and processing it for use within the same Association is not a crime.
However, this particular case was forced to appear before the justice system because the accused had taken the case as a personal quest.
In reality, several self-regulated associations operating well outside the strict judicial requirement bounds have been closed down since the ruling.
It is clear that Spain is not one of the countries where one can simply open a cannabis club and umbrella oneself from the law.
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5. Conclusion
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Recreational cannabis has become increasingly popular among the populous.
The revenue generated by the high demand for marijuana in states that have legalized weed has left non-legalizing states calling for the same rights and use of pot.
Those seeking a change in the laws in their state with regard to the use of marijuana will need to be proactive in voting on the issue in an attempt to pass proposed marijuana legislation.
There are 19 states that are pending possible legislation on marijuana.
These states are Alabama, Connecticut, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
If you want to see marijuana laws change in your hometown, it is up to you to help facilitate that change.
By being involved in proposed marijuana legislation, you will help the expansion of and accessibility to cannabis for those who need its medicinal properties.
There are currently 23 states, Washington, D.C., and Guam that have legalized marijuana for medical use.
13 states have approved the growth, possession, and use of marijuana for medical use. Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington state have legalized marijuana for recreational use.
This has left many benignly asking, “Where is weed legal?” and whether the state they reside in will be added to the list of those legalizing cannabis.
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